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Sell Your Hametz

Monday, March 11, 2024 1 Adar II 5784

All Day for 42 Days
During Pesah, the Torah prohibits both the eating and ownership of hametz. Therefore, we arrange for mekhirat hametz, the sale of hametz (which includes both food and utensils) to a non-Jew. This sale can be accomplished by appointing a shaliah (agent) to make the transfer.  This is a legal and valid sale.  At the end of Pesah, the shaliah arranges to reverse the sale and transfer the hametz (which is now permitted) back to the original owner.  If one’s hametz is not sold before the holiday, the use of this hametz is prohibited after the holiday as well (it is known as hametz she-avar alav  ha-Pesah).
There is a long-held custom that people give tzedaka at the time that they sell their hametz.  For the record, since you are selling your hametz, this money is not specifically connected to the sale.  After all, you are selling (not purchasing) so you wouldn’t need to pay.  Instead, the money given at this time is referred to as Ma’ot Hitin, money for wheat.  The idea was to collect money to help those in need with Passover preparations.  Funds collected will be distributed through the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund to those in need.
To appoint Rabbi Rubenstein to sell your hametz, complete the form below by 8:00am on Monday, April 22.


Hametz has already been sold and the synagogue is no longer accepting requests.  Sorry.

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Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785