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Sukkot Service Schedule and Candle Lighting Times

Chagim Uzmanim L'sasson

Festivals are for Rejoicing


Everyone is invited to join

and celebrate Sukkot.



Religious services

Friday, September 29– Erev Sukkot
Minha/Maariv –               6:00pm
Saturday, September 30 - 1st Day of Sukkot
Shaharit                              9:30am
Sunday, October 1 – 2nd Day of Sukkot
Shaharit                              9:30am
Minha                                  5:00pm
Monday, October 2 – 1st day of Hol HaMoed
Shaharit                              6:45am
Minha                                  7:00pm
Tuesday, October 3 – 2nd day of Hol HaMoed
Shaharit                              6:45am
Minha                                 7:00pm
Wednesday, October 4 – 3rd day of Hol HaMoed
Shaharit                              6:45am
Minha                                  7:00pm
Thursday, October 5 - 4th day of Hol HaMoed
Shaharit                              6:45am
Minha                                  7:00pm
Friday, October 6 – Hoshana Raba
Shaharit                              6:45am
                                            Minha/Maariv                   6:00pm (Erev Shemini Atzeret)
Saturday, October 7 – Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret
Shaharit                              9:30am
                 Yizkor                                   approx. 11:00am
                                     Minha/Maariv                   7:00pm (erev Simhat Torah)
Sunday, October 8 – Simhat Torah
Shaharit                              9:30am
Minha                                  5:00pm



Candle lighting

1st night of Sukkot                          September 29         7:00pm   
2nd night of Sukkot                         September 30         7:59pm
Erev Shemini Atzeret                     October 6                 6:48pm
Erev Simhat Torah                           October 7                7:47pm

A note about candle lighting on the 2nd day of a holiday: Jewish tradition says that while we are not permitted to light a fire on a yontuv, we are permitted to transfer a fire on yontuv.  This is important for candle lighting on the 2nd day of a holiday (2nd night of Sukkot and Simhat Torah).  Prior to the beginning of the 1st day of a holiday, you should light a yahrzeit candle so that after dark on the 2nd night of a holiday, you can light your yontuv candles from the yahrzeit candle.  If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Rubenstein.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784