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High Holiday Resources

There are many opportunities to prepare us for the High Holy Days.  Beth Ahm’s resource guide contains selections and materials from leading sources within the Jewish world.   See our recommendations below for resources that will enhance your Holiday season. 
Click the links for the the basics of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, or Sukkot,  

Check out Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? When Bad Things Happen to Good People a webinar with Micah Goodman from The Shalom Hartman Institute. And for more from the Hartman Institute click here.
Click here for a collection of essays from Hadar titled The Innermost Sanctum.  These essays explore the internal encounter of the High Holidays - helping us face each other and ourselves, confront the hard work of self-improvement, and internally sanctify our relationship with God.
Take a look at the new reader from the Jewish Theological Seminary - Choice and Change: Reflections on the High Holidays from JTS
Click here for a video Tour of the Mahzor, (the High Holy Day prayer book) with Rabbi Elie Kaunfer of Mechon Hadar. 
For more from Hadar click on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur. 
For online resources about Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot from Elmad, (online learning powered by the Pardes Institute for Jewish Learning in Jerusalem), go to:

Answer one question per day in your own secret online 10Q space. Make your answers serious. Silly. Salacious. Howeveryou like. It's your 10Q. When you're finished, hit the magic button and your answers get sent to the secure online 10Q vault for safekeeping. One year later, the vault will open and your answers will land back in your email inbox for private reflection. Want to keep them secret? Perfect. Want to share them, either anonymously or with attribution, with the wider 10Q community? You can do that too. Next year the whole process begins again. And the year after that, and the year after that. Do you 10Q? You should.

The Akedah Project produced by offers a collection of over 30 videos on various aspects of the story of the Binding of Isaac.
Living With No Regrets - an article by Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
"These holidays should provide a moment for us to look up from where we are standing and to examine our lives not with regret but with resolve..."
Music and Playlists:
High Holidays at Moishe House - This Spotify playlist combines Jewish and pop music with High Holiday themes.
High Holidays - The Praylist Spotify playlist from Rabbi Josh Warshawsky.  Josh's songs and lots of others too. 
For Families and Kids
A video from BimBam - The Rosh Hashana Special: Be The Best MeFor more from BimBam click here.
For all things audio for the holidays from PJ Library, click here.
Downloadable High Holiday Activity Pages from Chari Pere and Inspired 5781 (these were from last year)
High Holiday book recommendations for adults and teens
S. Y. Agnon (editor), Days of Awe: A Treasury of Jewish Wisdom for Reflection, Repentance, and Renewal on the High Holy Days
Marcia Falk, The Days Between: Blessings, Poems, and Directions of the Heart for the Jewish High Holiday Season
Rabbi Reuven Hammer, Entering the High Holy Days: A Complete Guide
Rabbi Simon Jacobson, 60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays
Rabbi Alan Lew, This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation
Dr. Louis E. Newman, Repentance: The Meaning and Practice of Teshuvah

Rabbis Kerry M. Olitzky and Rachel Sabath, Preparing Your Heart for the High Holy Days

Gail Twersky Riemer and Judith A. Kates (editors), Beginning Anew: A Woman’s Companion to the High Holy Days

Rabbi Debra J. Robbins, Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27: A Spiritual Practice for the New Year

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784